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Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23


Opening the doors to global markets

IOR Global provides an IOR solution covering multiple countries through a single interface, allowing clients to expand into new markets with ease.

In the majority of countries, it is essential that you have a fiscal presence in that country in order to import goods. The IOR Global service assists companies that do not have such a corporate presence, via the use of an IOR Global entity or one of our established agents.

IOR Global will:

  • Act as the importer of record /exporter of record  for customs and taxation declaration purposes at the time of import/export;
  • Be responsible to Customs, Tax and other regulatory authorities;
  • Apply for necessary import/export licenses or permits;
  • Maintain records for the minimum duration required under local law; and
  • Complete all regular filing requirements associated with the payment of duties and taxes.

Critically IOR Global does not normally take title to the goods, and these remain with the Client or their end customer.

The model is particularly suited to situations where a Client requires that goods are on-site in a country where they do not have a legal/fiscal presence, and the goods are not on-sold in that country. Thus it is particularly suited to:

  • Warehousing of warranty spare parts
  • E-Commerce / internet sales;
  • Establishment of data centres.

As our Clients only needs to deal with IOR Global’s regional offices they do not need to have direct contact with the operations in the receiving country, thus reducing corporate tax exposures.

IOR Global Services:

  • Simplifies the clearance of shipments;
  • Saves Clients from the costs of establishing legal entities in countries; and
  • Reduces their exposures to corporate taxes.



The first step involves the Client completing an IOR questionnaire – potentially after implementation of a mutual non-disclosure agreement.

The content of the questionnaire enables IOR Global to gain a better understanding of the Client and the commodities that would be covered by any agreement. It also allows us to review matters such as a preliminary review of import restrictions, permit requirements and any historical issues that may have arisen between the authorities and the Client or their agents/affiliates.

The review of the questionnaire and then discussions with the Client on the operational model are vital in our risk management process and also feeds directly into the provision of a full service proposal.

Concurrent with this activity would be the Client reviewing the standard contract arrangements that have been developed by IOR Global.  IOR Global, does not charge any set-up fee, and thus would look to finalise contract arrangements before moving to the next stage of implementation.


This phase mainly consists of a broad range of activities including:

  • Development of shipment paperwork;
  • Review of product compliance, including any control requirements (licenses, permits etc);
  • Agreement on Product Master List of the goods covered by the agreement;
  • Review of the overall business model and the valuation principles adopted by the Client;
  • Completion of Shipping Instructions / Workbooks for each country – in conjunction with the Client, IOR Global and the relevant logistics service provider; and
  • Development of reporting and billing arrangements.

The Implementation phase can be quite thorough and intense. The aim is to establish a robust and sustainable process so that Clients can have the highest possible level on confidence in the service delivery.


Once the process has been agreed by all parties, we move into the operations phase which may still involve the review / quality control of shipments by IOR Global regional offices and our appointed agents.

Our regional offices will also play a vital role in the continual review of operational arrangements with the Client and regular business reviews of service levels.